Something to Ponder, A Disciple and His Fruit

I want to encourage you to take a moment and reflect on what Christ is teaching you about being a disciple.  Remember this is a marathon, not a 50 yard dash.  We will always be a work in progress. In fact, we should never stop learning. The goal of a disciple is Christlikeness, to imitate Him in all that we say and do. One way to measure our growth is through the fruit that we bear. The Bible speaks frequently of our need to bear fruit.  The more our focus is on the Kingdom of God, the more fruit we bear. To be sure, we are talking about Kingdom Fruit.

Some Christians or disciples will bear more fruit than others, and this is ok.  We each, as individuals, are responsible for our own spiritual fitness.  Yes, we are encouraging each other, but we are all a work in progress.  The more God grows us, the more fruit we will bear.  There are times we will need to be pruned, so that we can bear more fruit.  It is a process that we should welcome and embrace as long as we are on this earth.

Join us this Wednesday Night as we discover our need as a disciple to bear fruit, specifically spiritual fruit. Study up on the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians chapter 5.

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